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Nine Parre

September 7, 2018
0  min

Nine Parre is a Dutch designer with a focus on mobility, functionality and sustainability during the design process. She is driven by exchange and connection of people and industries. For the Dutch Sustainable Fashion Week she has designed a collection around the theme "earth", one of the four elements. This collection will be presented on the 10th of October, during the Dutch Design Show.We asked her some questions about her designing process and what the theme means to her. She says: "This collection represents our stamp on earth. Textile pollution is the second biggest polluter next to oil on earth. Lashings of textile-waste are piling up in third world countries. We are responsible. Our behaviour creates irreversible stamps on earth. With every choice we make as a consumer we imprint the environment. It’s time to give answer to earths shout for change." As a young designer in the 21st century she feels responsible and very motivated to approach environmental issues as a challenge. A challenge to use her extraordinary profession to make a change in the current system and make an innovation.

She sees garments as a second skin: fabrics comfort and protect the skin, designs that stimulate confidence and speak personality. She says: "Fashion has been an isolated discipline for a long time, focussing on luxury. I call for more exchange and collaboration with other disciplines, industries and customers. Identity and diversity are shaped best when different perspectives are involved."

Her multifunctional designs give diversity and trigger creativity. Pieces are to be reconstructed and redesigned by the wearer. This freedom creates the chance to stand out and represent identity. With the use of natural materials such as jute and hemp she will not contribute to the enormous quantity of unrecyclable materials. She here admits and confirms: "I’m taking in account that not all natural materials are harmless to the earth".

For her collection she will be using fabrics that will be coated with prints. "I will apply natural dyes to stamp the prints onto the fabrics. The prints are based on the literal stamps that I make everyday. The graphic elements in the prints correlate with the lines and straps in the designs."

We are looking forward to seeing her collection on the Dutch Design Show. Do you want to read more about Nine and her way of working? You can find more information on her website.

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